How to play a Barbarian in D&D 5e

Barbarians are one of those D&D classes that it’s hard to get wrong… but can cause chaos when it comes to their unchallenged will to fight. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your barbarian character in Dungeons and Dragons.

Note: For players who have some familiarity with D&D.

Critical Hit: Diversity in D&D and how to diversify your NPCs

Creating a diverse and norm-breaking campaign is a challenge within itself on top of a ton of things a DM already has to remember. Dungeon masters need to introduce a character, flesh them out, make them believable and make sure that the players can get a good idea of who they are in a very short amount of time. For this reason, people tend to slide into particular stereotypes and norms. Here are some easy ways you can diversify your D&D games!

Critical Hit: D&D Dragon Creations from Serpentile*

I had the good fortune to meet Katie from Serpentile, who makes beautiful D&D dragon statement pieces, through the magic of social media. She approached me first to support me as she’d seen by my body confidence blog post and it struck a chord with her… and after seeing her beautiful D&D themed creations I just had to follow and support her right back!

*Disclamer: This post contains images of a gifted item – isn’t it adorable?!