‘The Infirm among the Fashionable’: A tale of fat bodies throughout history

None of what I’m about to say is ground-breaking. If we peel back the curtain ever-so-slightly on what the fashion industry has told us about fat people, it’s pretty clear. But it doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun little rant about it eh? Regardless of your body shape, it’s time to get angry at the fashion industry – let’s go.

CW: Fatphobia, rage-inducing history

Fat and Proud: Calling out fatphobia

Someone excellent once said to me “What about you makes you think you deserve to take up less space?” and my god, she’s right. I deserve to take up space! I deserve to love myself and my body. Following from the absolutely incredible series of talks about acceptance of your own body, from the Anti Diet Riot Club Weekender, I wanted to write down my thoughts and experiences of fatphobia and how the experts suggest we beat the stigma and start feeling more body positive!

Embracing my Capacity for Creativity with London Drawing Group

How have you been this lock-down? Since I am pretty sure all my readers are UK based and now in the drudgery of a third lock-down, I think we can assume we’re all feeling the same. Lethargic. I feel like the joy and energy has been sapped from life, and I am just waiting out until the end and hoping for the best. Daily, it’s a struggle. But these mini lectures and art workshops have given me little pockets of meaningfulness and learning, so I wanted to share them with you.

Major Adulting: How I have been coping with Anxiety in Lock-Down (and onwards)

Now I’m going to spill some not-so-sweet tea… just before the lock-down my anxiety hit a spike after months of burying it, and I ended up having to sign myself off work due to stress. It’s not been pretty, but that’s the truth of it. Since then I’ve been phasing back and, more importantly, feeling a lot better. Here’s a few ways that I have been coping with anxiety and stress since then; I hope you find them useful.

My Childhood God Complex VS My Adult Imposter Syndrome

I am forever telling you all about my childhood and how great it was. I was a lucky girl with a steady family and a pleasant upbringing, being able to achieve anything I wanted and always top-of-the-class.  This is something I really value now I’m old enough to appreciate it, and I know that I am one of the minority who had this.

My abilities and idyllic surroundings brought forward feelings in me that I was in some way… Exceptional. I thought that everyone was placed there for my benefit; like everything was created to please, or anger, or confuse me. I am not sure how common it is, but when I was a kid I thought the world was made for me alone. It was a “God Complex” – a feeling that I had unlimited personal potential and control.  Think a Hermione Granger in the Philosopher’s Stone mentality… (But don’t worry, it doesn’t last.)

Major Adulting: 30 Goals to achieve before I turn 30!

POGs Collection 30 Goals Nostalgia

I decided as it’s my birthday, I should work out 30 goals to complete before I turn 30! It’s not actually that long before I turn 30 so this is going to be far from a bucket list for me – it will be more achievable things!

I have 2 years to complete this list and so there’s not likely to be any sky-diving or travelling around Africa on this list… So here goes!

Ship Amsterdam 30 goals


1. Go to Iceland (and hopefully see the Northern Lights!)

2. Visit Disneyland

3. Eat at a Michelin star restaurant

4. Go on a road trip somewhere new (where I am the driver) DONE

5. Visit a waxwork museum

6. Go camping in the middle of nowhere and watch the sunset and sunrise DONE

World Map NEMO Science Museum Rotating Puzzle

Personal Development

7. Do a research project to find out about 30 cultures and countries I know nothing about

8. Meet someone I really admire in person – DONE

9. Be a bridesmaid – DONE

10. Try to get some zen trying out some mindfulness hobbies DONE

11. Make a physical photo album of the best parts of my life all in one place!

12. Gain as much astronomical info as possible from stargazing

Space themed pencils Swirl duo colour pencils NASA photos

Capturing the Creative Spark

13. Photograph animals in the wild

14. Attend a class to learn a new skill

15. Attend a book/writing club regularly for at least 6 months – DONE

16. Complete 2 years of blogging! DONE

17. Complete an art project (similar to those I did at A-Level)

18. Go to see a play at the RSC and review it – DONE

Wooden Chess Pieces Wooden Knights

Challenging Myself

19. Go vegan for 1 month! – DONE!

20. Sell something I have created myself

21. Take steps to get over one of my (many) irrational fears – DONE

22. Spend a month as tech-free as possible (work time unavoidable!)

23. Volunteer somewhere for at least 30 days

24. Complete a huge jigsaw puzzle – DONE

Roast Duck TGI Fridays

Just for Fun!

25. Try at least 30 new foods (including some scary ones!) DONE

26. Make a terrarium  DONE

27. See a play in London and stay overnight DONE

28. Throw a Harry Potter themed party – DONE

29. Attend a festival (music, food or otherwise) – I’ve not done this for too long! DONE

30. See in my 30th birthday in style!

So these are my 30 Goals!

I think these are do-able. They will make me push myself more but I don’t think they’ll stress me out too much trying to complete them!

What do you think? Can you recommend any ways to help me make sure I do this right?

Ready, set, GO!
