How to play a Barbarian in D&D 5e

Barbarians are one of those D&D classes that it’s hard to get wrong… but can cause chaos when it comes to their unchallenged will to fight. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your barbarian character in Dungeons and Dragons.

Note: For players who have some familiarity with D&D.

Critical Hit! Making Icewind Dale Taverns More Interesting

A little guide to making Icewind Dale taverns a little more interesting. In a particular part of the campaign there is a series of 5 inns with minimal description. After my players took a particular interest in these inns as a “bar crawl” I created a mini-series of taverns that had unique quirks. Here’s a guide to how you can make these Icewind Dale taverns an interesting destination in-game.