Oh no she didn’t! Beauty and the Beast at the Belgrade* Review

One thing I’ve always loved at the Belgrade is their yearly panto, but I hadn’t been since I was at uni (ahem… A decade ago…) So when the Belgrade invited me to their press evening for the kick off show of the panto season I shouted IT’S BEHIND YOU, and while they were distracted, I snatched the tickets.

*Disclaimer: This post contains press images and content from a gifted experience.

This Girl is on Fire! Rekindling my blogging spirit

Lately, I’ve been feeling quite sad that my blog has remained dormant for so long! After a brief chat with my pal, Lizzie, she’s told me that once she stopped worrying about stats, or “having something important to say” it took a weight off her mind and now she just posts what she feels. Reports on all her days out, her outfits, her feelings. That’s what I’ve been missing from blogging! That… and the additional time it takes to write.