I left my Heart in Switzerland: 10 Things to Do in this Beautiful Land

I’ve now been to Switzerland twice, and seen a fair amount of the countryside and towns. I have to say, I absolutely love it! It’s somewhere you can get some real relaxation, or check out vibrant city-life, or just pause while you take in the breath-taking views.

There are so many reasons to visit Switzerland that aren’t on here, because I’m just one girl and I’m not the authority on Switzerland but, here are a few things I’d recommend!

Going Solo to MDWAP Live: The Podcast Everyone loves but No-one talks about.

MDWAP Live SouthBank Centre

“My Dad Wrote a Porno” was my gateway into podcasts. It’s a podcast that no-one has spoken to me about, other than the person who shared it with me or the people I shared it with, and I didn’t realise it was so worldly renowned. However, when I mentioned the other night on Facebook that I went to see My Dad Wrote a Porno Live (MDWAP Live), so many fans came out of the woodwork!

For those who aren’t familiar with this podcast – it’s the best! 3 friends getting together to discuss one of their dad’s (lovingly rubbish) smutty self-published novels, “Belinda Blinked.”

A Good Vintage: A Quick Guide to Goodwood Revival

Goodwood Revival has always been my home from home. As some of you may know, I adore 1940’s and 50’s attire, so once a year I get to dress in the most beautiful vintage dresses and head off into a festival entirely set in the past. This year was no exception and Goodwood was just as enjoyable as ever. I would say the weather definitely put a dampener on it but you can’t help that!

Vintage Zaftig Girl

Goodwood Revival has changed so much over the years I’ve been there. It seems to have gained popularity with casual festival-goers and in turn, they’re popping up more VIP areas… Coincidence? Perhaps not.

However, there are the same vibes flowing through those crowds as there always has been! Everyone is encouraged to dress up and get involved and they keep introducing new things all the time. If you don’t wear period style dress to the event I am basically disowning you now, sorry not sorry.

So what’s involved?

Beating Bathophobia: How do you beat fears of the deep?


If you aren’t scared of anything, are you even human? I have a few irrational fears, the kind that few people share and aren’t based on real explanations (like heights, drowning etc.) I am so disturbed by one of these fears, that I can’t mention it in case friends decide it would be funny to send me pictures of said creatures, my other is bathophobia.

Bathophobia; is a fear of unknown depths. (Not a fear of baths.) Places of utter blackness deep beneath the world, and my particular phobia relates to water too. I often get bad dreams about the vastness of the sea and rivers that defy gravity and surround me. I’d promised myself I’d address this fear and so this week when going on a trip to the Peak District I decided to face my fear!

Major Adulting: Salome at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Part of my 30 goals to complete over the next two years involves going to see a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. I chose Salome by Oscar Wilde as he is one of my favourite writers. So here’s my write up – a chance for me to exercise my long-lost analytical skills and offer a mini-review of the play. The play is described as “a tragedy in one act”. For a plot write up you can click here but otherwise, let’s carry on!

Gender Bending, Done Right

Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Click for more production photos by the RSC