A Geek’s Guide: Gatekeeping in the Geek Community

So often I’m met by people who feel they don’t belong in the geek community. People who are quirky, different and interesting but don’t feel welcomed, either online or in person. I’m here to tell you – your perceived “geekiness” is not a measure of you as a person, and your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s despite how much gatekeeping there is. Here’s why…

Critical Hit! How to create a D&D Character to Suit You

One of the biggest things that can be daunting when starting up is making your Dungeons and Dragons character. It can seem a little permanent – what if you don’t like the character and you’re a bit stuck with them? What if they aren’t convincing or easy to RP? So I’ve decided to share how I went about creating my characters, to try and help you on your way to playing D&D!

Critical Hit! Picking your Ideal Class in Dungeons and Dragons

How do you pick your class in D’n’D? When I created my first character, I thought about what he would be like first and then picked the race and class backwards. I think because it was my first time playing, I put lots of my heart into my character and as advised by my more learned friends, I made a character that emphasised some of my own traits… Basically… he was a bit of a bastard.  But what do you do if you have a blank canvas?