Loud and Proud: I Ain’t Dumb theatre review

After being invited to a press night for LGBTQ+ play, I Ain’t Dumb, I took a little while to formulate a constructive review. Of course, I wanted to be kind as I don’t want to discourage up and coming talent from pursuing their goals and dreams, but I always wanted to give my honest opinion on what promised to be an interesting play but ultimately left me confused and expecting more…

Oh no she didn’t! Beauty and the Beast at the Belgrade* Review

One thing I’ve always loved at the Belgrade is their yearly panto, but I hadn’t been since I was at uni (ahem… A decade ago…) So when the Belgrade invited me to their press evening for the kick off show of the panto season I shouted IT’S BEHIND YOU, and while they were distracted, I snatched the tickets.

*Disclaimer: This post contains press images and content from a gifted experience.

Theatre Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness is one of my favourite books, so when I was invited to the Belgrade Theatre to watch an on stage adaptation, I practically snatched their hands off! Never mind the pressure of performing in front of hundreds of other people every night, I don’t think the crew realised what pressure they were under having to impress me. The standards were going to have to be very high indeed…