Oh my goth: Autumn Outfits in my Capsule Wardrobe

I never really had a “style” – it’s only post-pandemic that I’ve really looked at what I wear and thought, I am going to make full outfits that really match how I feel and who I want to present on the outside. It’s inspired me to make a post about my latest outfits… something I don’t really do but, ya know… now I feel like my style might be something to be desired?!

Major Adulting: How I have been coping with Anxiety in Lock-Down (and onwards)

Now I’m going to spill some not-so-sweet tea… just before the lock-down my anxiety hit a spike after months of burying it, and I ended up having to sign myself off work due to stress. It’s not been pretty, but that’s the truth of it. Since then I’ve been phasing back and, more importantly, feeling a lot better. Here’s a few ways that I have been coping with anxiety and stress since then; I hope you find them useful.

A Geek’s Guide: Gatekeeping in the Geek Community

So often I’m met by people who feel they don’t belong in the geek community. People who are quirky, different and interesting but don’t feel welcomed, either online or in person. I’m here to tell you – your perceived “geekiness” is not a measure of you as a person, and your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s despite how much gatekeeping there is. Here’s why…