A Spiritual Seaside Getaway in Cornwall

Life is so hectic right now; the tasks seem never-ending. I’m always very busy around September and October anyway, but as the nights get longer and the sun gets lower, I plan to settle down for the winter this year. So I decided to accept an invitation for one last calming, summer holiday with my partners’ family to help look after myself!

The first thing I did as soon as I got to the caravan was walk down to the sea and paddle. I pictured the sea washing away the last few weeks of stress, fatigue and anxiety and felt immediately more joyful and free. Foraging for driftwood and shells was super fun and I now have plenty for spell crafting!

We went on a little expedition to Boscawen-Ûn stone circle. It was a beautiful, remote and spiritual place with a centre stone that faced perfectly towards the Midsummer sunrise and the Samhain sunset. A perfectly preserved pagan site. I lay against the centre stone with the sun on my face and felt completely at peace.

El and I also went to the Minack Theatre for a visit. It’s a spectacular masterpiece of craftsmanship orchestrated by a woman named Rowena Cade. It became her life’s work, with seats and steps being hewn from the rock face. The setting would be absolutely spectacular for a show; I’d love to come back to see a play some time.

Over the last few days, I have managed to let go of a few things, accept some others and felt a little closer to Mother nature and to myself. It was just lovely to reconnect with nature and get some quiet time to ourselves/myself for a few days.

It was the perfect time to holiday, as by all rights it’s Autumn now… The Equinox has passed! But it’s still gloriously warm and the flowers, butterflies and birds are still everywhere! I hope to take some of this peaceful calm forward with me into the next few weeks. But now for the long drive home!

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