Wow, it’s been a while, right? Well… Buckle up! (For this incredibly short post)

*ahem* Is this thing on? Hi guys. It’s been a while. I don’t update her much because I’ve kinda gone old-school and started using a diary and physically printing photos, which has been quite nice. But sometimes it’s nice to crack out the old blog – especially since there’s soooo much going on recently.

So what’s been happening in my world? Absolute chaos mostly. Work is super busy and I am really mindful of keeping a work-life balance. I’ve been busy most weekends and basically just napping most evenings. Getting through a hell of a load of books, which has been nice. But other than that I am pretty much just floating along on the waves of wherever this odd flash-storm is taking me.

As always I’m in a constant battle to try and be mindful and focused (and I am mostly losing). But this isn’t intended to be a negative post. In fact, compared with where I was in the winter, I feel practically rejuvenated – and I’ve got a lot of lovely things to look forward to as well as report on.

For example, today I met up with my lovely pal, Lizzie. She’s got a baby now (a whole baby!) and we wandered around our local art gallery and had a cheeky Wagamamas as is our wont. It’s crazy how long we’ve known one another now and gosh I really do miss her! Life is very hectic (even more so for her!) It’s super hard to get the time and energy to hang with my friends recently, but I want to make sure I make the most of the time we do get!

Two of my other friends, L&B got married recently too and oh my gosh, it was such a beautiful day. I was ugly crying, big heckin’ sobs. Everything was stunning, and the pair of them are so good together. We’re meeting up to chill and watch House of the Dragon (Horgs of Dorgs) recently and that’s been so nice. I was lucky enough to be asked to do a reading at their wedding.

Also, my dad is turning 60 soon so we’ll be celebrating that. It’s funny because I feel like I’m too old to have a 60 year old dad. Like, surely he should be older than that since I am sooooooo old. We’ll be off for a few nights in Chester soon so I’ll likely write about that if I don’t get distracted.

Plus there’s some Beltane events to write about, the Festival of Pagans and Witches that I go to twice a year coming up soon which I’d love to share my experiences of. I just don’t do it anymore – I am not sure why… but I am actually doing loads.

I think that with the reduction in my social media posting and general use, I’ve just gradually moved away from being online altogether. The last thing I wanna do after a full day of staring at a screen is look at another one… But I’ll try to rekindle this blog a little for spring/summer. If nothing else, just to keep a log of all the positive stuff happening in my life. I’m looking forward to keeping in touch. <3 Take care, friends.

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