This Girl is on Fire! Rekindling my blogging spirit

Lately, I’ve been feeling quite sad that my blog has remained dormant for so long! After a brief chat with my pal, Lizzie, she’s told me that once she stopped worrying about stats, or “having something important to say” it took a weight off her mind and now she just posts what she feels. Reports on all her days out, her outfits, her feelings. That’s what I’ve been missing from blogging! That… and the additional time it takes to write.

But my boyfriend rightly said the other day – if there’s something you love, then you make the time for it. I am going to try my damnedest to post more on my blog this year, now that things have started to open up again and I have things to report that are positive! The aim is that it will become more conversational, rather than all the half-finished drafts where I’ve wanted to make ‘a point’ and then left it half way through.

I said hey, what’s going on?

I’ve been learning a lot about feminism and witchcraft recently and have recently taken up life drawing quite a lot. I am enjoying being creative in different ways, and because I write for work, it’s just not been that fun to express myself through writing recently. However, I feel like that’s a shame. I always go through spells of “losing my voice” and this spell has been extra long. Possibly it was impacted by lock down – I think everyone has lost things they love / lost the joy they once found in the little things.

Related post: London Drawing Group Life Drawing and Webinars

Lizzie Bee

But today was a great day. I’ve had many good days throughout the last year, but today felt really normal. I spent it being silly with Lizzie around FarGo Village, which has been a haven for me over the last few weeks for me and my anxious friends, as it’s usually not too busy and has some lovely places to eat, drink and shop!

So good to finally be allowed out again!

The sun was shining and the weather held out and it was starting to feel a little like summer (despite the cold winds!) We got a bit silly and took some great photos next to one of the photo-opp walls and then I went to sit on the grass with my boyfriend for a little while before going home for a roast dinner. The evening so far has been spent writing this blog post and playing D&D online, which has been such a lovely glimmer of normality. I can’t wait to play in person again!

Coventry Blogger Amy Turner and Lizzie Bee

Overall, it was a really simple day. But that is exactly what I need right now. Stress has been rife this last 6 months – awaiting start dates for work, my car got written off (I was in the house when someone kindly committed a hit and run on it…) and I’d just had enough! So, as I approach my 32nd birthday (EXCUSE ME, HOW OLD?), I feel like I deserve more simplicity and happiness in my life! So, more of this please. Fun, seeing friends, bubble tea, and feeling like the sun is finally peaking through the clouds.

Red haired plus size girl enjoying the sunshine


  1. Lizzie Bee
    2nd May 2021

    Awh Amy! ;_; <33333 This was so lovely to read and I'm so happy that you are inspired to write again because I missed reading your rambles! Tbh I feel like the blogging comm has a lot to answer for when it comes to casual blogging… People seem to "shun" it, or at least think lower of casual posts, but I think they are absolutely amazing and realistic and I love love love them! Looking forward to reading your future posts!

    1. Amy_Ether
      3rd May 2021

      Thank you so much for your comment and for your support yesterday! <3 x

  2. Mariah D Kaercher
    10th May 2021

    I went through something similar when I became so focused on whether people would comment on my posts. Now, I’m more focused on what I want to say and that has been so freeing.

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