Pride month has been over for a little while now and the rainbow corporate logos go away for another year. But of course, queers are for life, not just for June. So we’re out here celebrating again, chatting to Rob Madge, the mastermind behind My Son’s a Queer; (but what can you do?) at the Belgrade.
‘The Infirm among the Fashionable’: A tale of fat bodies throughout history
None of what I’m about to say is ground-breaking. If we peel back the curtain ever-so-slightly on what the fashion industry has told us about fat people, it’s pretty clear. But it doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun little rant about it eh? Regardless of your body shape, it’s time to get angry at the fashion industry – let’s go.
CW: Fatphobia, rage-inducing history
But what does it all mean? A Cemetery tour with Historical Coventry Trust
What a beautiful start to the May Bank Holiday! It’s one of my favourite holidays – Beltane is here, the summer heat is coming but not too stifling yet… so there’s never a more perfect time to think about death!
Beyond the Veil: The Woman in Black Review
I am endlessly forgetful. If it’s not written down, or an emo song lyric from the early 2000’s, I just won’t remember it. Needless to say, I was so impressed with the incredible display from just two men on stage as they told the tale of The Woman in Black.
Disclaimer: Press review
Hollywood, Her Way: “As SHE Likes It” Takes Back the Narrative
I spent last Saturday with my gorgeous friend and some new, incredible women doing an empowerment workshop, followed by a bite to eat and a fierce feminist play.
Disclaimer: Press review
Coventry Alternative Market and a Spring update
Hello girls, gays and theys. How are we all? I’m so tired after a wonderful day out at Coventry Alternative Market (hosted by Bristol market). It was fun to goth up and grab some goodies!
Unveiling Hollywood Secrets with Chloe Wade and ‘As She Likes It’
How ARE you? It’s been a minute! Since coming out of the other side of my winter depression, I’ve moved my girlfriend into my house (yay) and have also had a bout of illness (boo). But I’m back! It’s Spring! We’re doing this! Let’s kick off the season right with a wonderful interview, shall we?
Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World – The Musical
What a vibrant and incredible musical! It was all so uplifting and really brightened a grey February evening. It also couldn’t have come at a better time for me – I could always do with a pre-Spring boost. If you could too, here’s why you should see it!
Holding out for a Hero: Shrek the Musical Review
After being invited to see Shrek the Musical, I approached the evening with high hopes of reliving the magic of the DreamWorks film. What would the play include or remove? What would it add? How would it feel to see when the classic is so well-loved? These are some ogre-sized boots for it to fill!
All photography credited to Marc Brenner – courtesy of the Shrek the Musical UK and Ireland Tour 2023-4
Metamorphosis: True Surrealism on Stage
It’s not often that I am left speechless after seeing a play. Not a lot can move me nowadays but after seeing Metamorphosis it left me in a deep and thoughtful mood. So much so that it’s taken me just over a day to truly reflect on its impact on me!