I did something really cool recently that I’ve wanted to do for years but have never gotten the chance to. I am not nearly coordinated enough for LARP (Live Action Role Play) battles and they’ve always quite intimidated me. I have always wanted to explore playing a character… but fighting is just not for me. So imagine my absolute JOY when I found out about Conclave of Chaos!
How to play a Barbarian in D&D 5e
Barbarians are one of those D&D classes that it’s hard to get wrong… but can cause chaos when it comes to their unchallenged will to fight. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your barbarian character in Dungeons and Dragons.
Note: For players who have some familiarity with D&D.
Critical Hit! 5 Tips for Playing a Cleric in D&D
Clerics are one of the staples of a well-thought-out D&D party. Whether you’re in a dragon’s lair, getting ambushed in an orc camp, or your sorcerer rolls a Nat 1 on wildmagic and fireballs your airship… you’re going to need a healer. Here are some top tips on playing a cleric effectively in Dungeons and Dragons.
A Geek’s Guide: Gatekeeping in the Geek Community
So often I’m met by people who feel they don’t belong in the geek community. People who are quirky, different and interesting but don’t feel welcomed, either online or in person. I’m here to tell you – your perceived “geekiness” is not a measure of you as a person, and your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s despite how much gatekeeping there is. Here’s why…
Nerdy Pin Badges and Where to Find them – Volume II
Since I posted my first blog post on Nerdy enamel pins and where to find them, lots has changed. Not just generally in my life, but also there’s a heck load of new pins on the market as their popularity has BOOMED. Here are just a few of my favourites and a few on my wishlist!
Geeking out loud: The Best Plus Size Cosplays to try out!
You might get into the feeling that you can’t cosplay a certain thing because you’re plus size, so I wanted to try and find the best plus size cosplay around – not necessarily because they’re plus-size characters (like Ursula or The Queen of Hearts) but showing you can do the characters justice, regardless!
Celebrating Our 30th Birthday: Things I Share with the Game Boy
My 30th birthday has been overshadowed (just a little) this year, with the 30th anniversary of the Game Boy! I can’t believe it’s as old as I am! Yep, this 8-bit baby was released in April of 1989! I just wanted to write a little ode to the Game Boy and all the things we have in common.
This post contains a gifted cross-stitch pattern from an awesomely retro small business.
Critical Hit! My Top 10 Dungeons and Dragons Gifts for your Best Nerds
Ever wondered what to get for your friend who is into Dungeons and Dragons? Once I started playing D’n’D it totally changed my life in so many ways! I’ve seen so much love for the game across the internet and so I thought I’d pick my selection of the best Dungeons and Dragons Gifts!
My New Nerd Heaven: The Fantastical World of Fantayzia
My new favourite nerd heaven, Fantayzia Designs, invited me to play with their retro games consoles and check out their nostalgic treasures. I sat for a few hours and have to say it’s now my absolute favourite for nerdy nostalgia and creations at FarGo Village, Coventry.
Christmas Convention Crashing: Stratford Comic Con
It was lovely to finally get to a smaller convention in 2018. I am used to going to the MCM Comic Con in Birmingham or London, and sometimes they can be a little overwhelming. However, at Stratford Comic Con* the room was bustling with the same lovely atmosphere of a larger con, but without the annoying queues! There are always perks to visiting a smaller comic con…