Autumn Equinox Rituals and Meanings

As the Autumn Equinox is almost upon us, I thought I’d take some time to reflect on what it means for me and what I plan to do to welcome the new season.

Living seasonally suits me really well. I’ve always been affected hugely by seasonal changes (as I think we all are really on some level). With the forthcoming darker days and longer nights, I feel its important to restore a balance to yourself, and prepare for what that means for you. Less energy, more feelings of needing/wanting to be indoors, and potentially deeper, prolonged moods (especially if you have seasonal depression like me) are inbound, and it’s important to recalibrate!

Mabon (Autumn Equinox) is all about balance, giving thanks to the sun and summer (traditionally giving thanks for the harvest) and welcoming the oncoming darkness. I think for me, welcoming the dark is difficult since it often means for me, a period of sadness, low moods, and “mental hibernation” where I feel like I’m taking a pause.

It’s also a good time to reflect on the light and darkness within ourselves. As balance strikes, you can work on balancing and reconciling these feelings within yourself, perhaps through meditation or ritual. It’s about harvesting those mental seeds you planted in Spring (if you’re following the pagan Wheel of the Year), coming to terms with what that means for you, and then settling down for a comfortable long haul of rest.

I’m attending Coven of Gaia Festival this coming weekend and I’m so excited to go. At the closest weekend to Mabon, I think it will be a fantastic time to connect with other witches and pagans, and learn more about the craft and the path I want to follow.

My Plans for Autumn Equinox

  • Visit Coven of Gaia festival
  • Bury my summer witchbottle
  • Autumn deep clean
  • Planning for rest (writing an activity list for long, dark nights)
  • Thank those who helped me to thrive and grow this summer
  • Altar dusting and cleansing
  • Spend time in the waning sunlight, and cherish the last of the warm evenings
  • Do a tarot reading

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