A Geek’s Guide: 7 Ultimate Science Gifts for the Nerdy Lady in your Life

This is a shout out to those who dare to be smart. For those who are intrigued by the world around them. For those who want to learn, explore, and constantly push boundaries. What Science gifts to do you get a nerdy girl?

If you’re lucky enough to know one of these people and have the HONOUR of presenting said person with a gift, then I hope you’ll consider these recommendations… and if you are the Science lover then… Treat yo’self!

So here are some of the best Science gifts, hand-picked by me!

A Geek’s Guide: How to Write a Seriously Epic Sci-Fi Story

We all know that there are a LOT of sci-fi stories out there. I mean, there are whole sections of book shops dedicated to the genre. Speaking of which, I now sponsor one! I pledged to help my local BookShop’s expansion and they let me brand their sci-fi section. In celebration, I decided to explore what makes a good sci-fi story?

To answer this question, I took 2 sample texts, from “Amy’s Storys” (sic) written by 8-year-old me, to analyse as core texts. It’s as good a starting point as any…